
Skyrim best ranged follower
Skyrim best ranged follower

skyrim best ranged follower

Still, with a number of destruction and restoration spells included, J’zargo is a huge help in any fight.

skyrim best ranged follower

One of the toughest Skyrim followers, Vilkas has a full 621 points of health, and expertise in two-handed, heavy armor, blocking, and archery makes him a thoroughly effective tank. Accompanying you through every frozen waste, pine forest, or dank and dangerous dungeon, followers offer some added muscle and companionship through the lovely in game world. Primary Spells: Oakflesh, Conjure Flame Atronach, Conjure Frost Atronach, Ice Spike, Lightning Bolt, Ice Storm, Healing, Primary Skills: Restoration, Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration, How To Recruit: Aranea Becomes A Follower If The Player Sides With Her During “The Black Star” Quest.

skyrim best ranged follower

Serana has a level of situational awareness that many Skyrim followers do not. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Frea’s ability to dual-wield weapons helps her stand out from others on this list. Once you’ve completed the “Ancestral Worship” quest, Golldir will be available as a follower. This gives players an additional hand in defeating foes, as does Teldryn’s adaptability. This mod is an SSE conversion of Cokla's 'AtlanteanDragonSlayer' standalone weapon mod for Oldrim. His high moral standards won’t mesh well with an assassin or thief character, but he is a helpful addition to any fight. Teldryn’s ability to seamlessly switch between wielding a sword and spell-casting gives a boost to most any kind of combat. Sorry lonely hearts of Tamriel, this one’s taken. For some, Skyrim’s vast landscape is best experienced with a like-minded (or at the very least, entertaining) companion. It’ll run you 500 gold to recruit her, but she is well worth the money. Many of the followers on this list match the level of the Dragonborn up to their level cap. Also, she is sworn to carry your burdens, so grab all the loot you desire to shrug off on her. You can find this pupper wandering the road outside Falkreath. Serana mostly uses frost magic and reanimation spells however, she will also use an elven dagger if she has to participate in close-combat battles. Stenvar is a rugged mercenary with a lot of Stamina to stay in the fight. Aela can be recruited upon finishing The Companions questline, which is a lengthy task however, it is well worth it to gain Aela and the other Companions as followers.

Skyrim best ranged follower