Refer to the following list to see which type of magic each character is included in: However, some non-elemental magic attacks have special properties, such as King being able to heal himself or Pink Knight stunning enemies. Non-elemental magic is generally not resisted by enemies and has no particular strength against some of them. Cult Minions are immune to all elemental magics and take 1 damage with no effect or knockback. However, a few other characters can also use elemental magic, or a hybrid of elemental and non-elemental. The use of elemental magic is usually reserved for the four starting knights ( Green, Red, Blue and Orange Knights). Note: Certain enemies are weak or strong against certain elements, or take more or less damage from certain types of elemental attacks. Poison: Poisons a target, causing it to suffer steady poison damage over a short time.

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Download Castle Crashers To Get Free on COMPUTER– Published September 26, 2012, Castle Crashers is a hack and also lower 2D gallery experience sporting activity.